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佛州华商总会,Florida Chinese Business Association,简称:FLACBA,成立于2014年。华商总会的宗旨,就是为在南佛州的华商提供咨询,帮助,交流的一个平台。把我们现有的资源整合、互助合作,形成一种良性互动。用一句话概括:致力于打造一个促进南佛州华人商业活动的平台。
迈阿密是美国第十一大城市,整个地区拥有人口250万,其中迈阿密市人口超过36万;迈阿密位于佛罗里达半岛比斯坎湾,是美国佛罗里达州第二大城市,2008年被《福布斯》杂志评为“美国最干净的城市”;2009年被瑞士联合银行评为“美国最富裕城市”和“全球第五富裕城市”;迈阿密所在的南佛罗里达州都市区是仅次于东京的世界第二大都市区;迈阿密不仅是通往拉丁美洲的门户,而且是一个国际性的贸易、商业中心;迈阿密是除了纽约之外的全美国际金融业务中心,有“中南美贸易金融之都”之称,拥有100多家外国银行,美国前20大银行的Bank of America、Citibank、First Union Corp、Nation Bank及Sun Trust Bank等均在迈阿密设有分行;迈阿密国际机场是在美国际货运排名第一的国际机场;迈阿密是许多跨国公司的拉丁美洲地区总部,例如美洲航空公司、思科、迪士尼、埃克森美孚、联邦快递、微软、甲骨文、美国电报电话公司(AT&T)和索尼等。
迈阿密不仅是一个旅游之都,还是一个生机勃勃的城市。迈阿密地处通往拉丁美洲的咽喉,南美贸易快速增长,有美国最繁忙的集装箱码头,港口,机场,并逐步形成了以南美贸易为主导的金融中心,Brickell 大道被称为华尔街第二。随着美国和古巴的关系回暖,双方正式恢复外交关系,美国对古巴的贸易必将吸引众多商家的目光,必将成为又一个经济热点。而迈阿密地区移民占人口的80%以上,是各种文化的交集地,对新移民有一种天然的包容,使新移民可以很快融入社会。所以,迈阿密还是一个充满友善,充满机会的城市。经济与文化的繁荣相得益彰,迈阿密是一个文化大熔炉,受庞大的拉丁美洲族群和加勒比海岛国居民的影响很大,与北美洲、南美洲、中美洲以及加勒比海地区在文化和语言上关系密切,因此有时还被称为“美洲的首都”。
1. 2018年2月24日,举办春节交流晚宴:一带一路与佛州经济及在佛华商如何参与的研讨会。
2. 一带一路与佛州经济及在佛华商如何参与的经济论坛,可在习川会一周年纪念日(4月6号附近)。
3. 作为少数族裔的华商如何成为政府采购的供应商。
4. 如何利用印第安族裔的免税区,扩大生意圈,以及如何引进中国政府资金
5. 推进迈阿密及附近的城市与中国城市建立友好姐妹城市
6. 如何利用品牌中国,引进中国的高端产品
7. 如何切实推动迈阿密和中国的直航
Best regards,
张学锋 (James Zhang)
The Florida Chinese Business Association (referred to as “the Association” or “FLACBA”, henceforth) was founded in 2014, aiming to provide a platform for the Chinese business owners in South Florida to consult, communicate with and help each other; to integrate and consolidate our existing resources within the network; and to foster proactive and healthy interaction and collaboration among Association members. We are committed to forge an enabling platform to promote the commercial and business activities of the Chinese community in South Florida.
As law-abiding citizens and/or permanent residents of the United States, it is crucial for the Chinese American business community, to keep ongoing dialogues and strengthen communication with the local governments and other business organizations and entities and integrate gracefully and seamlessly into the local mainstream society. We are confident that our integration and participation will contribute greatly to the local economy.
FLACBA as the Center of Influence in the local Chinese business community, will enhance its leadership through the following 3 aspects:
FLACBA aim to establish itself as a gateway to facilitate Chinese Business Communication both locally and internationally.
1) Assist new Chinese immigrants to start their businesses by providing entrepreneurial support;
2) Support the Chinese enterprises and Chinese funded enterprises alike in the Greater Miami Metropolitan area;
3) Serve as the representative of local Chinese enterprises when connecting and communicating with other business associations and entities in Florida to promote business collaborations;
4) Network with the Consulate of China and the local governments and Chambers of Commerce to promote international business cooperation, to enhance local economic development and to optimize the investment environment;
5) Establish a solid connection with local governments, to develop and nurture a positive and enabling business environment for Chinese business owners.
FLACBA aims to unite all the Chinese enterprises in South Florida, to forge a strong fellowship within our business community; to express the demands, protect the rights and interests of all the Chinese American business owners. FLACBA strives to connect entrepreneurs, bankers, lawyers and all Chinese professional elites in South Florida and strengthen dialogues with other Chinese business groups; and make FLACBA an important information hub and a forum for business-related discussions.
Last but not the least, FLACBA emphasizes our role as the promoter for philanthropy and communal involvement within the Chinese community. In support of the local Chinese social groups, we will be organizing career building seminars, recruitment fairs for the university graduates, provide employment opportunities for qualifying Chinese students.
As the engine of the world economy, China has already led the world economy for more than 10 years and has achieved remarkable progress. Since the 19th Congress Meeting in Beijing, President Xi Jinping has proposed the strategic concept of “the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” AKA. "One Belt & One Road". This long-term strategy has attracted the attention of the world. More and more people around the world start to show profound interests in the Chinese culture.
The Association aims to serve as Center of Influence in the local Chinese community and as the connector of China and the United states to share Chinese culture to the world. We strive to integrate resources both locally and internationally by building a high-end platform of established entrepreneurs and professionals alike, to support the Chinese business owners and in turn stimulate local economy in Florida.
In 2018, FLACBA will organize a series of events to promote our value:
1. 24th February 2018: The Chinese New Year Banquet of 2018 (Private Invitations with specific venue and time will be sent out shortly)
2. The Association will host a Themed Forum around the 1st Anniversary of President Xi’s visit to Florida on 6th April, to discuss:
1) How “The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” will affect the local economy in Florida?
2) How can Chinese business owners in Florida participate in this new special Economic trend?
3) How can Chinese American business owners participate in local government procurement as vendors and merchants.
4) How to leverage the benefits of the Native Indian duty-free zone to deepen the local business involvement.
5) How to introduce Chinese investors and funds to Florida
6) Plans to promote Miami and nearby cities to establish friendly “Sister Cities” relationship with Chinese cities.
7) How to leverage the “Brand China Strategic Institute” and introduce high-end Chinese products to the United States.
8) How to effectively promote direct flights between Miami and China.
We welcome any proactive feedbacks to our missions and look forward to your participation!
Best regards,
张学锋 (James Zhang)
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